Underrated Art
In each year every country celebrates its top artists by honouring them with grand awards. But in those stages, it is very rare to find a chef, a cook, a master of food making.
Many of us heard the phrase that ‘ cooking is art’. but let me reframe this, ‘Cooking is the art of patience’. we know food is the basic need for every human being. we do eat food for two purposes, one is to ensure enough supply of energy and the other is to have a great feeling. in either way the art of making food is not a tedious process but patience demanding one.
how come?. In my opinion, the section of people who make the food with utmost precision is mothers(at some homes, fathers too). That too from third world countries. they have limited resources and the food they are preparing should not be spoiled, because it's their only supply to live.
last year a large population around the globe were stuck at home and started experimenting or try a hand at cooking. DDalgona coffee is not a distant memory. one thing everyone learned was, it is not an easy job. also we can make ‘one-hit wonders’, but keeping the consistency is really tough.
once we reached the threshold or we get the knack, and the flare to learn more and more, then it's fine. you are there. Youtube channels flourished. Instagram was filled with food reviews and recipe videos. they Joy of cooking is irreplaceable.
there are two aspects of psychology that can be used to explain this art. first is obviously we have to be a lot more intelligent and patient. why this matters?. If we forget one ingredient the whole ‘experiment’ may fail. it's not just like that, the timing of adding the ingredient also matters. in typical Indian patriarchal society mothers/Women are assigned the jobs in the kitchen. It's misogynistic. But They are the most intelligent people. The experience only won't help somebody to master the art of making food. but the ‘masters’ know if something went wrong, how to manage it.
the second major aspect is ‘Enjoying the process’ not the outcome. my tryouts at the kitchen were usually filled with a lot of tension. naturally, I am a person with less patience and lot of unnecessary doubts. whatever the practical application is there, I finish it, but the process becomes more tiresome and hectic, just because of my attitude. Slowly I started enjoying the time I spend inside the kitchen. being so aware is not the solution to perfect a dish. it's about the love we transcend during the process. which includes selecting the vegetables to find the optimum amount of salt. once I started not bothering with the final outcome and focus on the momentary actions, naturally, the dishes started getting better and better.
That is the basic principle of life. We are not destined to live for 1000 years. immortality is a myth. if we consider the whole universe we are a small insignificant construct of atoms. but deeply focusing on the outcomes rather than the process kills the spirit of life. we don't have to show the balance sheet of our life to anybody at the end. Life is not the thing we plan for next year or 10 years later. It is the moment we are in. Enjoy the process. Enjoy the constraints. But never let any limiting factors to dominate your thoughts.
become a master chef, and learn the quick tips to reconstruct life if something goes wrong.
Stay Happy, Stay Healthy!