The Power Of Tiny Gains
The common taste of thinking of residents of one of the smallest southern state of India is a bit socialistic. Because of this, certain notion floats in the air. Basically Its a definition or a question.
‘Capitalism is making rich people more rich and poor poorer’
At first hand, the rich know how to grow money. the poor know how to spend money. The rich always keeps an eye on saving. The poor always have an unjustifiable balance sheet.
poor spend from their direct income. Rich finds money for their luxury from the income from assets.
Albert Einstein once said, ‘The eight wonder in this world is compounding/compound interest. The one who knows take advantage of it, the one who unaware of it pay the compound interest’.
Let's not talk about money. It is an essential subject. I live in a country where it is very tough to find a book that gives a clear idea to organize paths to financial independence.
Let's talk about tiny changes in life. the insignificant ones. or the things we consider which have no impact in our life. If I ask, how many of us have the habit of ‘making the bed’ immediately after waking up. That's the first step in starting a day with discipline. I am such a lazy person. But when started making my bed, I started making my day significantly productive. How? It's a mental process. the motivation follows action.
tiny teeny changes like organizing your desk, not checking your phone for an hour after waking up, drinking water in the morning, going for a walk, stretching for five minutes, or simply sitting in bed focusing on your breathing won't eat up much of your time. But they contribute to your physical well being. consider one person going out for the walk early. He/She started the day listening to the world, seeing the refreshing greens and a beautiful sunrise. Meanwhile, another person reaches out for smartphone immediately after waking up and consuming a lot of news and other stuff by spending a considerable amount of time.
many of us have the trouble of waking up to an alarm. when the alarm strikes on the phone you find the phone without opening the eyes and push the snooze button. this happens several times. We may have multiple alarms, but still, we do the same. But a tiny change will help us to overcome this. Place the phone on the other side of the room. so you have to physically go there to switch off or snooze the alarm and during that 5/6 steps from bed, we GET UP!.
I know, these are basics, and who the hell I am to talk about this. Even though we know something, but to have implementation some one has to point it out. this is always the nature of a common man. But placing the phone away from the bed has another benefit too, You won't use it in bed. the ones who sacrifice this routine gains in multiple aspects.
So enough instructions. lemme suggest two books that made significant impacts on my life. One is Atomic Habits by James Clear and the other one is Compounding Effect by Darren Hardy. the image from Atomic Habits, which mathematically proves the power of the compounding effect. a small step is compounded into a huge number. If we change by at least once percent by every day, at the end of the year we will make significant changes in our life. How this is possible. We have numerous visible examples around us. I am not trying to incorporate anecdotes to increase the length of this post. Each chapter of Atomic habits starts with a real-life story.
Anyway, the major misconception is that Self Help books are for those who have some flaws in their life style or these are meant for achievers. honestly, in our culture, we consume a lot of content which are irrelevant, including the news. Don't start with the news, there is no such negatively projected medium as the newspapers and news channels.
Change, even in a tiny fraction, helps. Never underestimate the time and the power of books!