The Essential Feeling Of Guilt
Like a coin, guilt too has two different phases or faces?. Positive and negative.
Positive guilt? are you Joking? It may sound lunatic, but having guilt from the good things, or at least the things society branded as positive things, is quite natural. Poking a pimple, singing along while you are in public(Not in a concert) or making mean jokes. Wait a minute? Are those positive?
Anyway, we are made up of 56 essential (maybe more than that) elements and each has a significant role. is any of these small boxes in the periodic table responsible for invoking guilt in us?
Take the scenario of a book. we feel guilty when we switch from one book to another before completion. why is that so, if we found something not worthy of your standards, what's wrong with skipping that?. sometimes we skip the entire chapter after finding it not so much thought provoking or enjoyable. Is there any chance of feeling guilty about that or is it essential? No way. the reader is always the master. I always respect your decision to not read this after you think this is a total waste of time. But before you do, ask your subconscious.
when I was in college, I chose Film studies as my optional for the penultimate semester. our lecturer gave us two huge boxes of films on DVD to copy and asked us to watch as much we could. Because of the tight schedule(Ya ya, still the Indian systems of college degree focusing on attendance, assignments and for science subjects huge pile of drawings, that's another blog-worthy point!) we were not sure of it. so he recommended a solution of chunking. watching half an hour a day! Yeah I know, the same doubt was raised by us. The entirety or the essentiality. It's always better to watch something than not watching anything. So that was a turning point which led to the deep dive into the so-called ‘art house films’.
The question is why should we feel guilty about skipping a book or chunking a movie? These as mere examples but anything can be related to this. why we feel guilty about sleeping a bit more, why we feel guilty about eating that chocolate or having another cup of coffee or skipping exercise or forgetting his name or forgetting someone's birthday(It's your responsibility to remember your better half’s birthday, or you will find the worst truth in the world!). why we feel guilty?
procrastination is another system that causes guilt. if we enjoy the time we spend with ourselves and it's not hurting anyone, including yourself, why we should feel bad?. in fact spending time alone is a challenging task for many and you are successfully employing it, so proud of yourself. procrastinating in groups is a crime though.
Nature never has phases of happiness or sadness. it is neutral. whatever happens, it is neutral. all the emotions, the earth, and its elements showed are in the imagination of poets. look out there, the tree never complains, even if you cut it down and mercilessly take it away for your greed.
So be neutral to any of the moment. live in the moment is tough, but once you achieve it, it's definitely worth it!