Principle 2: Build your trusted community.
So, the month of 2023 was a game-changer for me. It was the month my steady flow of income stopped and I simply became financially fragile.
I haven't traveled to any place for over two years. So I have decided to attend an event in Nepal, my first international trip.
It was a South Asia conference with people from 14 countries participating.
Me in the month of 2023: Introverted, moody, not a party animal, danced twice in my entire life, doesn't know any Hindi, had this fear of meeting strangers, never been to a pub, acrophobic with a very small number of quality friends, and felt very bad about myself for being not an approachable guy with very less networks.
Me after the Nepal trip:
Switched on the ‘Extrovert’ button
Danced like it was my last day on earth
Started understanding Hindi
Got the confidence to approach strangers without hesitation
Build a sustainable network of good human beings
Conquered my acrophobia
Finally, I made a very very great meaningful friends circle.
How did this happen?
I started making deliberate attempts to become the person I desired to be.
This is the first secret: I made a detailed Excel sheet on people I do wanna meet at the conference and had a conversation with 90% of them.
I was actively tracking their interests and if they matched with mine,
The above-mentioned changes occurred in my life just not because of my efforts, its because the people were kind to me.
I made friends for life from the 5-day event. I always thought it was so difficult to make friends who genuinely care for you after a certain age. It is wrong.
So here’s principle No. 2: Build your community. Talk to the people and listen to them more, (Be an active listener) find common ground, and be kind towards them. This will be opening the door of wonders.
Having a healthy friends circle is essential for your growth. Personally and professionally.